Outdoors Open from Sunday 9 February - also twilight running Wednesdays during February at Outdoors
Range is open most Sundays except long weekends, club shoot days (check out the calendar under events tab), in extreme weather conditions (check our Facebook & Home Page for updates prior to leaving). A volunteer committee member opens the range at 9am and archers should be there before 11am, if no one comes along the committee member will close the range. There is no coaching available at the Outdoor Range however if you have been attending indoors & can hit the targets then come along and try our outdoor range. Once you have been a few times we encourage you to try out our field targets, a great stroll through the forest. Venue: Situated in the Hancock Forestry block, approx 2.5km along Ngunguru Ford Rd, (248 Ngunguru Ford Rd). Enter the large metal tubed gate (please close behind you). Once on the Forestry Block Road and crossed the bridge, you will get to a fork in the road - take the left hand side. From Whangarei follow signs to Whangarei Falls and/or Tutukaka Coast. Ngunguru Ford Rd is on right approx 9km past Whangarei Falls on the way to Ngunguru/Tutukaka. Cost: - Club Members $5 per day - Non-Members $10 per hour - Equipment Hire $20 (which includes a $10 refundable bond and only available on organised club days by prior arrangement) Concession Cards can be also be used. There is limited equipment for hire so it is encouraged to message in advance to arrange. |
Please note: Make sure to check out the Course Rules below and bring suitable sturdy shoes - preferably hiking or gum boots - the terrain is quite slippery in places, especially in winter.
Course Rules
While on the course no walk backs are permitted at all. If in the event of an emergency and it is deemed necessary to walk back through the course the archer must clearly indicate, when approaching a shooting group, his intentions well before arriving at the target of that shooting group. Walking back through the course is considered extremely dangerous.
If looking for arrows at a target a member of the group must leave his/her bow in front of the target while looking for arrows. This is a clear indication to the next group that there are archers in the vicinity, either behind or beside the target, looking for arrows.
A shooting archer must stand at the peg to shoot, the archer may however stand within 6inches beside or behind the peg but not in front of the shooting peg.
Each group votes on a captain of the group before they enter the course, the captain of the group then decides who is to score. If there is any disagreements about the scoring etc the group captain will have final decision on. The group captain shall be responsible for the safety of the group with regard to emergencies or group shooting while on the course. If there is a clear dispute then the group is to cease shooting, and if they have to leave the course, remembering no walk backs through the course, they will confer with the Field Captain of the Club who shall have the final decision.
At the start of shooting on the course archers are not to shoot until they have had a signal from the Field Captain that shooting may begin. This may be by the sounding of an air horn hooter or by an agreed time by watch.
Archers approaching a target must ensure that the previous shooting group has moved away clearly from the target before shooting can commence. A reasonable time should be given for archers to find arrows providing that they are not to hold up shooting groups. Lost arrows can be retrieved at the end of the shooting day.
If archers are holding up groups they must move on if the shooting group captain has asked them to do so. The group must collect their equipment and move on promptly.
If you see individuals near or behind a target and they do not move when asked to do so, do not shoot the target. Advise the individual that, following the club safety policy, you have to now take this up with the Course Captain.
The Course Captain will, if in need, bring the incident to the attention of the committee at the next committee meeting. All archers on the course or the range are to be considerate of others, if they feel they are in a safe position then clarification is required from the Course Captain.
No overhead drawing, this is when the bow arm is drawn above the head and the arrow is brought down upon the target. This is considered dangerous. In the event of a misfire the arrow can fly completely over the target which may land further on in the course endangering other shooting groups.
If there are any complaints or disagreements the archers must consult with the Field Captain, any serious complaint where a breach of conduct is considered then the Field Captain may take the details from the archers with their signatures to it and consult with the Secretary and President whereby a full committee meeting may be called to discuss the complaint.
No one is to enter the course or shooting range if they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
No smoking on the course, range & around the Club House, this is a clear breach of our lease agreement with Hancock Forest Management and a Fire Risk. Any smoking must be restricted to outside the gates at the main entrance.
Shooting Range
All archers using the range must all shoot at the same shooting line. This ensures that there are no archers forward of another shooting archer.
All archers approaching/leaving the shooting range must do so from behind the shooting archers.
All archers testing bows, arrows or paper testing, practicing etc must use the shooting range, all archers must shoot down the shooting range and not across the range.
No shooting across the range what so ever, this is either toward or away from the club house.
General Safety
All senior archers shooting at the club are to set examples/standards of safety while at the club venue. Seniors must be seen to be setting these safety standards for the club youth to observe as well as new novice members or visitors to the club.
The only shooting of a bow or arrow at the club facility will be done only on the range or the course.
Any rubbish must be bagged or boxed and taken away to a rubbish disposal area, this is at the end of any club day or when the facility is used. Our lease agreement requires that we dispose of any rubbish in a responsible manner.
If you see or feel you have witnessed anything that looks dangerous or you have a question as to whether you are permitted to do anything that may seem out of the ordinary, please check with the field captain, a committee member or senior. Clarification is best.
In accordance with our lease agreement Mt Tiger Archery Club Inc must have a procedure in place in an event of an accident or emergency.
Every club member is responsible for following these procedures. These have been set down for the safety of all individuals at the club facility.
The committee members have keys to the club padlock, clubhouse and storage at Mt Tiger Archery Club Inc. The storage holds the air horn, first aid, fire extinguisher and targets for the club. Our committee consists of: President, Treasurer, Secretary, Vice President, Course Captain, Director of Coaching, Junior Representative, Publicity Officer, Sponsorship Officer and three committee members.
On club shoot days Mt Tiger Archery Club Inc have a Register, anyone attending the days shoot must register their name with the club Registrar. The Registrar records the members name and shooting division in a registrar booklet on shoot days. This is used in the event of an emergency as a role to check that everyone is present at the designated meeting point. Shooters are placed into groups of at least 4 lead by a senior archer.
On Sundays outside of the club shoot days, a booklet is kept in the clubhouse to record which course is being shot and who is at the club and/or entering the course to shoot. These Sundays are manned by a committee member who has keys to the clubhouse and storage facility.
Emergency or Accident
In the event of an emergency or accident, the club has an air horn that is kept in the storage facility, which is open during any attendance at the club committee members have keys to this.
A first aid kit and fire extinguisher is available at the club stored in the railway wagon at the clubhouse facility.
After use all BBQ gas bottles are stored away in the railway wagon.
Fire emergency:
The air horn is blasted in one long blast, several of these may be necessary, from the road to indicate to members on the shooting course that there is an emergency and to exit the course in the safest way possible. The senior member of the shooting group is responsible for making sure the cubs, juniors or inexperienced archers are escorted off the course safely. The meeting point is at the clubhouse, and if this is not possible then to the road at a gate entry.
As cell phone signal is weak down by the clubhouse a senior member (one) will need to drive (one vehicle only) or make their way to the top of the road access to phone emergency services. The remaining members will stay at the designated meeting point until emergency services have arrived.
The club has a small fire extinguisher for extinguishing small fires around the clubhouse facility that may occur.
The Registrar is to take a role call of the members/people present at the start of the days shoot. Once everyone is accounted for, and it is safe to do so, people are to exit the Hancocks Forest facility on foot to the top of the road, this leaves the road clear for emergency vehicles. Personal vehicles will remain where they are, starting an ignition may cause the spread of the fire to various parts of the forest while attempting to leave by the road, and vehicles will hinder the efforts of emergency services getting into the area.
If it is safe to do so, the members can leave as a group on foot to the road entrance (Ngunguru Ford Road). Members vehicles will remain at the club house area until emergency services have deemed the area clear.
It is the policy of Mt Tiger Archery Club Inc that the clubhouse facilities and the forestry block is a smoke free area. This is also the case with our national body, New Zealand Field Archery Association. All national events are smoke free.
Accident emergency:
Do not move the injured person, assess their injuries. A senior shooter will leave the other members of the group with the injured person and make their way safely off the course to raise the alarm back at the clubhouse in the form of several quick blasts from the air horn.
A senior member (one) will drive to the top of the road (one vehicle only) to call emergency services if the injured person cannot be moved. In the meantime, the senior archer from the group will re-join the injured person with the club first aid kit to administer assistance where possible.
No one is to leave the forest area, this will hinder emergency services vehicles from entering the area. The drive access into this particular forest is mainly one way.
Everyone will cease shooting and make their way safely off the course back to the clubhouse facility until the injured person has been attended to and moved.
In the nature of our sport, it is policy that the cubs/juniors do not lead an archery group around the course. A senior shooter must lead at all times ensuring they keep to the markers indicated around the course.
These markers are arrows placed on fencing, marked on rocks, or the target bales themselves indicating the direction of the next target.
Mt Tiger Archery Club Incorporated is not responsible for personal injury or loss of personal equipment of members or visitors to this facility.
These emergency procedures are available at the clubhouse and every member or family member group has a copy of these procedures.
In accordance with our lease agreement, members bringing vehicles or visitors to the club facility must ensure that the owner of the vehicle has third party public liability insurance. This is protection for the individual in an event that the vehicle is found to be responsible for starting a fire within the Plantation area.
For the sake of visitors to our club facilities we have placed a sign up at the gate entrance to Ngunguru Ford Rd that states:
In accordance with our lease agreement, before entering this facility ensure you have third party insurance with a public liability cover for your vehicle, please check with your insurance provider.
These rules are to be made available to all members new and existing.The membership form clearly states: I/We agree to abide by the Club Rules as laid down in the Constitution. All membership forms will now also state: I/We agree to abide by the Club Safety Policy as set down by the Committee of the Club. I/We agree to abide by the Safety tournament rules as set down by the NZ Field Archery Association Rules and By-Laws and the International Field Archery Association Rules. These rules are available on the following websites: Click Here and Click Here .
All members must sign to accept these conditions when they are renewing their membership or if they are new members to the club, in either case the policy will be made available to the archery member.
The completed membership form must be first forwarded to the Secretary for recording before the membership fee is passed onto the Treasurer for receipting.
This safety policy is subject to an annual review by the Club Committee on the anniversary date of 31st March, or earlier if the Committee deems that the policy needs updating.
As per the Club Constitution any breach of conduct is taken seriously, a written complaint of a club member in breach of conduct will result in a committee meeting to discuss the breach. The member may face reprimand, suspension or expulsion from the club depending on the seriousness of the breach. A written complaint must be received by the club Secretary within 7 days after the time of the breach of conduct.
While on the course no walk backs are permitted at all. If in the event of an emergency and it is deemed necessary to walk back through the course the archer must clearly indicate, when approaching a shooting group, his intentions well before arriving at the target of that shooting group. Walking back through the course is considered extremely dangerous.
If looking for arrows at a target a member of the group must leave his/her bow in front of the target while looking for arrows. This is a clear indication to the next group that there are archers in the vicinity, either behind or beside the target, looking for arrows.
A shooting archer must stand at the peg to shoot, the archer may however stand within 6inches beside or behind the peg but not in front of the shooting peg.
Each group votes on a captain of the group before they enter the course, the captain of the group then decides who is to score. If there is any disagreements about the scoring etc the group captain will have final decision on. The group captain shall be responsible for the safety of the group with regard to emergencies or group shooting while on the course. If there is a clear dispute then the group is to cease shooting, and if they have to leave the course, remembering no walk backs through the course, they will confer with the Field Captain of the Club who shall have the final decision.
At the start of shooting on the course archers are not to shoot until they have had a signal from the Field Captain that shooting may begin. This may be by the sounding of an air horn hooter or by an agreed time by watch.
Archers approaching a target must ensure that the previous shooting group has moved away clearly from the target before shooting can commence. A reasonable time should be given for archers to find arrows providing that they are not to hold up shooting groups. Lost arrows can be retrieved at the end of the shooting day.
If archers are holding up groups they must move on if the shooting group captain has asked them to do so. The group must collect their equipment and move on promptly.
If you see individuals near or behind a target and they do not move when asked to do so, do not shoot the target. Advise the individual that, following the club safety policy, you have to now take this up with the Course Captain.
The Course Captain will, if in need, bring the incident to the attention of the committee at the next committee meeting. All archers on the course or the range are to be considerate of others, if they feel they are in a safe position then clarification is required from the Course Captain.
No overhead drawing, this is when the bow arm is drawn above the head and the arrow is brought down upon the target. This is considered dangerous. In the event of a misfire the arrow can fly completely over the target which may land further on in the course endangering other shooting groups.
If there are any complaints or disagreements the archers must consult with the Field Captain, any serious complaint where a breach of conduct is considered then the Field Captain may take the details from the archers with their signatures to it and consult with the Secretary and President whereby a full committee meeting may be called to discuss the complaint.
No one is to enter the course or shooting range if they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
No smoking on the course, range & around the Club House, this is a clear breach of our lease agreement with Hancock Forest Management and a Fire Risk. Any smoking must be restricted to outside the gates at the main entrance.
Shooting Range
All archers using the range must all shoot at the same shooting line. This ensures that there are no archers forward of another shooting archer.
All archers approaching/leaving the shooting range must do so from behind the shooting archers.
All archers testing bows, arrows or paper testing, practicing etc must use the shooting range, all archers must shoot down the shooting range and not across the range.
No shooting across the range what so ever, this is either toward or away from the club house.
General Safety
All senior archers shooting at the club are to set examples/standards of safety while at the club venue. Seniors must be seen to be setting these safety standards for the club youth to observe as well as new novice members or visitors to the club.
The only shooting of a bow or arrow at the club facility will be done only on the range or the course.
Any rubbish must be bagged or boxed and taken away to a rubbish disposal area, this is at the end of any club day or when the facility is used. Our lease agreement requires that we dispose of any rubbish in a responsible manner.
If you see or feel you have witnessed anything that looks dangerous or you have a question as to whether you are permitted to do anything that may seem out of the ordinary, please check with the field captain, a committee member or senior. Clarification is best.
In accordance with our lease agreement Mt Tiger Archery Club Inc must have a procedure in place in an event of an accident or emergency.
Every club member is responsible for following these procedures. These have been set down for the safety of all individuals at the club facility.
The committee members have keys to the club padlock, clubhouse and storage at Mt Tiger Archery Club Inc. The storage holds the air horn, first aid, fire extinguisher and targets for the club. Our committee consists of: President, Treasurer, Secretary, Vice President, Course Captain, Director of Coaching, Junior Representative, Publicity Officer, Sponsorship Officer and three committee members.
On club shoot days Mt Tiger Archery Club Inc have a Register, anyone attending the days shoot must register their name with the club Registrar. The Registrar records the members name and shooting division in a registrar booklet on shoot days. This is used in the event of an emergency as a role to check that everyone is present at the designated meeting point. Shooters are placed into groups of at least 4 lead by a senior archer.
On Sundays outside of the club shoot days, a booklet is kept in the clubhouse to record which course is being shot and who is at the club and/or entering the course to shoot. These Sundays are manned by a committee member who has keys to the clubhouse and storage facility.
Emergency or Accident
In the event of an emergency or accident, the club has an air horn that is kept in the storage facility, which is open during any attendance at the club committee members have keys to this.
A first aid kit and fire extinguisher is available at the club stored in the railway wagon at the clubhouse facility.
After use all BBQ gas bottles are stored away in the railway wagon.
Fire emergency:
The air horn is blasted in one long blast, several of these may be necessary, from the road to indicate to members on the shooting course that there is an emergency and to exit the course in the safest way possible. The senior member of the shooting group is responsible for making sure the cubs, juniors or inexperienced archers are escorted off the course safely. The meeting point is at the clubhouse, and if this is not possible then to the road at a gate entry.
As cell phone signal is weak down by the clubhouse a senior member (one) will need to drive (one vehicle only) or make their way to the top of the road access to phone emergency services. The remaining members will stay at the designated meeting point until emergency services have arrived.
The club has a small fire extinguisher for extinguishing small fires around the clubhouse facility that may occur.
The Registrar is to take a role call of the members/people present at the start of the days shoot. Once everyone is accounted for, and it is safe to do so, people are to exit the Hancocks Forest facility on foot to the top of the road, this leaves the road clear for emergency vehicles. Personal vehicles will remain where they are, starting an ignition may cause the spread of the fire to various parts of the forest while attempting to leave by the road, and vehicles will hinder the efforts of emergency services getting into the area.
If it is safe to do so, the members can leave as a group on foot to the road entrance (Ngunguru Ford Road). Members vehicles will remain at the club house area until emergency services have deemed the area clear.
It is the policy of Mt Tiger Archery Club Inc that the clubhouse facilities and the forestry block is a smoke free area. This is also the case with our national body, New Zealand Field Archery Association. All national events are smoke free.
Accident emergency:
Do not move the injured person, assess their injuries. A senior shooter will leave the other members of the group with the injured person and make their way safely off the course to raise the alarm back at the clubhouse in the form of several quick blasts from the air horn.
A senior member (one) will drive to the top of the road (one vehicle only) to call emergency services if the injured person cannot be moved. In the meantime, the senior archer from the group will re-join the injured person with the club first aid kit to administer assistance where possible.
No one is to leave the forest area, this will hinder emergency services vehicles from entering the area. The drive access into this particular forest is mainly one way.
Everyone will cease shooting and make their way safely off the course back to the clubhouse facility until the injured person has been attended to and moved.
In the nature of our sport, it is policy that the cubs/juniors do not lead an archery group around the course. A senior shooter must lead at all times ensuring they keep to the markers indicated around the course.
These markers are arrows placed on fencing, marked on rocks, or the target bales themselves indicating the direction of the next target.
Mt Tiger Archery Club Incorporated is not responsible for personal injury or loss of personal equipment of members or visitors to this facility.
These emergency procedures are available at the clubhouse and every member or family member group has a copy of these procedures.
In accordance with our lease agreement, members bringing vehicles or visitors to the club facility must ensure that the owner of the vehicle has third party public liability insurance. This is protection for the individual in an event that the vehicle is found to be responsible for starting a fire within the Plantation area.
For the sake of visitors to our club facilities we have placed a sign up at the gate entrance to Ngunguru Ford Rd that states:
In accordance with our lease agreement, before entering this facility ensure you have third party insurance with a public liability cover for your vehicle, please check with your insurance provider.
These rules are to be made available to all members new and existing.The membership form clearly states: I/We agree to abide by the Club Rules as laid down in the Constitution. All membership forms will now also state: I/We agree to abide by the Club Safety Policy as set down by the Committee of the Club. I/We agree to abide by the Safety tournament rules as set down by the NZ Field Archery Association Rules and By-Laws and the International Field Archery Association Rules. These rules are available on the following websites: Click Here and Click Here .
All members must sign to accept these conditions when they are renewing their membership or if they are new members to the club, in either case the policy will be made available to the archery member.
The completed membership form must be first forwarded to the Secretary for recording before the membership fee is passed onto the Treasurer for receipting.
This safety policy is subject to an annual review by the Club Committee on the anniversary date of 31st March, or earlier if the Committee deems that the policy needs updating.
As per the Club Constitution any breach of conduct is taken seriously, a written complaint of a club member in breach of conduct will result in a committee meeting to discuss the breach. The member may face reprimand, suspension or expulsion from the club depending on the seriousness of the breach. A written complaint must be received by the club Secretary within 7 days after the time of the breach of conduct.