Mondays start 3 February & Wednesdays start 5 March
During February Wednesday night will be held at Outdoor venue Term dates 3 Feb to 11 April Monday and Wednesday evenings with coaching available! 6.00pm to 7.00pm - 10yrds (Beginners any age, Cubs & Future Bow Hunters - up to 12 yrs) 7.00pm to 8.00pm - 20yrds (Intermediate to Experienced, Juniors & Adults - 13yrs +) No bookings or pre-registration required - just turn up! Groups must book - please send us a message through our Contact page for further details. Beginners Its best to get there 5-10mins early, wear flat enclosed footwear and no baggy sleeves please. Coaches will take you through some training on your first visit, including a safety briefing, stance and how to shoot. Then you'll move onto the line and start shooting under the supervision of the coaches. Bows and Arrows supplied - it is recommended that Archers purchase their own equipment once committed for the best results. There is also no guarantee that you will receive the same bow each week. Juniors (13-16) & Adults once you have shot for a bit and are coming regularly we encourage you to move to the Intermediate time and try the longer range. Future Bowhunters & Cubs under the age of 10 it is required that an adult be present with the Archer until they are confident & competent to shoot unaccompanied. Venue: Whangarei Girls High School Gymnasium, Lupton Ave, Gate 2. Venue is closed public holidays, during school holidays and mid-November to early February due to school exams and the christmas period. Cost: - Club Members $5 per hour - Non-Members $10 per hour Concession Cards available that gives you a 10% discount (pay for 9 - get 10th free). No EFTPOS available Costs cover gym hire, bow hire and coaching. |